Pilot training for Turboprop
AND Piston Single & Multi-Engine Airplanes

Pilot training for Turboprop and Piston Single & Multi-Engine Airplanes

Train in your airplane,
at your airport

Develop your skills with our insurance approved program.

Complete your initial or annual recurrent training in your plane, where you fly, on your schedule.

We currently instruct in the following aircraft:

With over 39 years of aviation experience I still believe we are all students. Aviation is far too diverse and complex to know everything. It requires constant practice and training to remain safe and proficient. Here at Make & Model Specialists we pool the experience, skills and knowledge of dozens of professional instructors across the country to give you the best training available!

Anthony J. Cirincione

Make & Model Specialists founder and chief instructor

Anthony Cirincione headshot
AOPA Instructor logo
AOPA logo
NAFI Master logo